NewtFire logo: a mosaic rendering of a firebelly newt
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Maintained by: Elisa E. Beshero-Bondar (eeb4 at Creative Commons License Last modified: Sunday, 07-Jan-2024 02:48:48 UTC. Powered by firebellies.

Spring 2023 Syllabus (Schedule) Classes meet M W F 12:20 - 1:10pm in Witkowski 109.

Read the Course Description

This contains a detailed explanation of course policies and the basis for grades.

Jump Down to the Schedule

This link jumps to the closest day to today's date. Review the schedule as we get started to get a sense of how this course will work on a daily basis.

All the Tools You Need As We Begin:

Download and install the following software on your own personal computer(s) on or before the first day of class. These software tools are available in our campus computing labs, too.

  1. <oXygen/>. (You will probably have this installed from DIGIT 100 or 110.) The DIGIT program has purchased a site license for this software, which is installed in Kochel 77, the Lilley Library computers, and Witkowski 109. The license also permits students enrolled in the course to install the software on their home computers (for course-related use only). When installing this on your own computers, you will need the license key, which we have posted on our course Announcements section of Canvas.
  2. AntConc: (You may have this installed from DIGIT 100.) Free corpus text analysis tool.
  3. We will ask you to install Python version 3.8 or higher on your computer, and install PyCharm Edu to assist in learning and writing Python code with syntax checking. Follow instructions and links from Pycharm ( ) paying attention to what you need for your own computer systems. Feel free to download and explore Pycharm Edu on your own before we start working with it together: Also, configure Anaconda so it is available to work within Pycharm following this guide: (We will provide guidance on this in class.)
  4. Zoom: Make sure your Zoom installation is up-to-date, and you are ready to connect. Sometimes we will record portions of class meetings and tutorial sessions for future reference to share over Zoom. Look for these in Canvas Announcements and use the Zoom menu option in Canvas to access these meetings.
  5. We will use GitHub for for sharing code and for project management. Create an account (choose the free options) at the and install the GitHub client software for your operating system on your own machine on your computer. (We will explain how to use git and GitHub this in our course.)
  6. We will use the Slack chat platform for discussion and for asking questions (see Download and install the Slack client, configuring your account to use use your Penn State email address (the official address, which looks like, and not an alias based on your name that you may have set up), so you can join our Slack workspace: DIGIT-coders. When you receive an invitation to join this workspace you should accept.
  7. Later in the semester we may ask you to install a local copy of the eXist-db XML database, which you can download from
  8. No coding experience? Don’t worry! Past students in this course who never saw anything like markup or XML code have designed projects (like these) and even spoken about them at academic conferences! You will learn to develop your own digital tools and how to manage digital projects as teamwork.

Class Web Resources:

Week 1Class topicsDo before class

M 1-09

Welcome! Intro to the course, and the era of AI, Chat-GPT, and natural language processing. Join class anotation group. Class exercise with Chat-GPT. ....

W 1-11

Orientation to Natural Language Processing and how AI works. Voyant and Antconc review.
  • Join our DIGIT Slack Group and group (if you did not already)
  • ChatGPT and Git Review Exercise 1: Organize a directory in your GitHub repo (or create a new GitHub repo + directory for this): Curate your experimental prompts and responses as text or XML files in your GitHub repo.

F 1-13

Class protocols for handling code files: GitHub and version controlled file management. Making a branch on the textAnalysis-Hub. Review adding, pulling, adding, committing, and pushing.
Week 2Class topicsDo before class

M 1-16

Martin Luther King Day: No classes. ....

W 1-18

Discussion of word embeddings, word math, and AI. How we play with mathy AI and NLP in digital arts and humanities. Prep for Python unit: Orientation to Pycharm’s IDE and the Pycharm Edu tutorial

F 1-20

Pycharm Edu tutorial work together. Manipulating strings wtih Python, and Pythonic data structures (lists, tuples, dictionaries).
  • ChatGPT + Git Exercise 2: Push this assignment to your branch of the textAnalysis-Hub repository and issue a pull request assigned to Dr. B (ebeshero).
  • Pycharm Edu tutorials: through Strings (submit evidence of completion via screen capture on Canvas).
Week 3Class topicsDo before class

M 1-23

Pycharm Edu tutorial review. Python environments: Pycharm vs. Jupyter notebooks: Introduce Google CoLab (Jupyter) Notebook via Google Colab Notebook cellblocks in Tutorial: Exploring Gender Bias in Word Emedding.

W 1-25

  • Ethical issues and research paths with AI, NLP, word embeddings. Where do we find arts and humanities in computational processing? Python: Working with libraries (modules and packages), saving and executing files.
  • Initiate Five Days of Command Line GitHub Test.

F 1-27

Writing your own Python: Getting started with Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python: installations/imports: nltk, spaCy, gensim
  • Finish Pycharm Edu Intro to Python tutorials: Classes and objects, Modules and packages, File input and output. Submit evidence of completion via screen capture on Canvas.
Week 4Class topicsDo before class

M 1-30

  • Git branching and pull requests. GitHub markdown.
  • Python file imports and exports. Reading file collections.
  • Python NLP Exercise 1
  • (By the end of the day): Five Days of Git: Part 1: Record completion on Canvas as part of GitHub Test

W 2-01

spaCy's word similarity calculations. NLP and large language models, vs. customized, specialized modeling.
  • Five Days of Git: Part 2: Record completion on Canvas as part of GitHub Test

F 2-03

Reviewing Python NLP word similarity.
  • Python NLP Exercise 2: comparing a set of files using word vector data: (words similar to a word of interest)
  • Five Days of Git: Part 3: Record completion on Canvas as part of GitHub Test
Week 5Class topicsDo before class

M 2-06

Review of GitHub Markdown. Introducing Python web scraping with Beautiful Soup. Annotating vectors: the case for XML. Orientation to / Review of XML as document annotation and information architecture.

W 2-08

Python: Introducing Topic Modeling with nltk (LDA) Discussion of XML recipe code. XML structure and annotation: working with attributes
  • Python NLP Exercise 3: Build a web scraper to collect text files.
  • Five Days of Git: Part 5: Record completion on Canvas to finish the GitHub Test.

F 2-10

  • Topic Modeling code and visualization
  • Semester Project Possibilities: ideas, sources, teamwork expectations: discussion
Python NLP Exercise 4: Experiment with topic modeling (LDA)
Week 6Class topicsDo before class

M 2-13

Python Topic Modeling Visualization libraries, and NLP review/preview. Semester projects.

W 2-15

Semester project discussion. XML for document data structures. Data frames, containers, and cross-walking data formats. See XML chapter from a Corpus Linguistics course

F 2-17

  • XML discussion. Schema validation review for 110 students
  • Form Project Teams (today or Monday 2/20)
  • XML Exercise 1
  • Project Milestone 1: Launch the project GitHub repo and invite your teammates and me to join (using Settings > Manage settings). Launch Slack channel for project and invite teammates and Dr. B. Post (in your Slack project thread or on GitHub) your available meeting times to help determine a regular meeting time for your group.
Week 7Class topicsDo before class

M 2-20

  • Structuring and regularizing data from documents with markup.
  • Introduce document analysis with Regular Expressions: the dot, the backslash, numbers (\d, repetition indicators, matching on lines, and autotagging. Greedy and non-greedy matching.
  • Preview Intro to Regular Expressions
  • Choosing a license for your project GitHub repo.
  • XML and/or RNG Exercise 2

W 2-22

F 2-24

Reviewing and debugging regex search and replace. Character set matches. Writing clear markdown documentation.
Week 8Class topicsDo before class

M 2-27

Regex greedy and non-greedy matches. Dr B is guest-speaking at Pitt in David Birnbaum's Digital Humanities class on network analysis.

W 3-01

  • Regex debugging
  • HTML review. Relationship to / difference from XML. Setting up docs/ directory for GitHub Pages.
  • GitHub Project Management tools and markdown.
  • Review of GitHub Pages, coordinating web work for project milestone
  • Regex Exercise 3

F 3-03

  • Regex for projects
  • Regex Exercise 4
  • Project Milestone 2 due:
    • Create a file directory structure for the project GitHub repo(s): Initiate the project website within the docs directory with an index.html page and some CSS. Consult with your team and Dr. B to decide on a place to work on the text files (in its own directory, or in a separate private repo?) and create that space. Create a directory for XML files. Begin populating those file directories (even with placeholder files to describe what belongs where).
    • Assemble the text files you want to work with on the project. As a team, work on document analysis to plan for how you want these to be marked for structure. What XML structure do you want to use to contain meaningful units of text data? Aim for a clear, simple structure that distinguishes the kind of info you want to be able to track.

M 3-06 - F 3-10

Spring Break Enjoy this week!
Week 9Class topicsDo before class

M 3-13

  • Launch Take-home Regex Test (due next Monday)
  • Start XPath and XQuery in oXygen, and in eXist-dB: simple functions and sequences. Exploring XML through child and descendant axes. Predicate filters.
  • Start XPath Orientation Exercise together
  • Access newtfire eXist-dB and find the eXide window.

W 3-15

  • XPath predicates [ ] as filters.
  • Awareness of sequences: An XPath sequence can be zero, one, or more results (either XML nodes or information about them)
  • XQuery and writing a FLWOR over a sequence

F 3-17

  • XQuery: Writing FLWOR statements and outputting HTML lists and tables
  • Outputting files and saving them to the eXist-db database for previewing
  • XQuery online and offline: in eXist and in <oXygen/>
Week 10Class topicsDo before class

M 3-20

  • What you can count and measure with XPath in XQuery
  • Saving and Accessing files in the Newtfire eXist-db: set up individual and team project directories.
  • Test logging in to newtfire eXist-dB

W 3-22

  • XQuery for statements: singling out each member of a sequence of XML nodes, as well as values off the tree.
  • XQuery from eXist to Web: Writing HTML output from eXist-dB
  • XQuery Ex 3

F 3-24

XQuery to HTML. Working with eXist-dB outputs.
  • XQuery Exercise 4: Storing data in HTML
  • End of the day: Project Milestone 4 due: exploring project files with XQuery
Week 11Class topicsDo before class

M 3-27

Revisit Python: Named Entity Recognition in Project XML Data

W 3-29

Python Named Entity Recognition in Project XML Data continued. Saxon C library for reading XPath from Python. Applying Regular Expressions for cleaning input. Outputting data to files, autotagging XML from Python
  • Python NER Exercise
  • Extra Credit Opportunity: Attend the World-Wide Climate Justice Teach-In from 5:30 - 8pm in Reed Bldg., or come at least at 7pm for the Technology panel (where Dr. B is presenting).

F 3-31

Python Named Entity Recognition in Project XML Data: Refining input strings
Week 12Class topicsDo before class

M 4-03

Launch take-home Python and Documentation Test

Introducing Network Analysis for projects: Modeling relationships in project data. XQuery prep for NLP and Network Analysis:

  • oXygen XML Editor for writing XQuery on large collections.
  • Output formats to save: the CSV / TSV file.
Work on Project Milestone 5

W 4-05

Network analysis: orientation to network statistics. Reading in data for Cytoscape and working with network visualization parameters

End of Day:

  • XQuery to Network Analysis: Exercise 1 prepare a TSV from class today
  • Project Milestone 5 due:

F 4-07

Network Analysis, continued: XQuery to Network Analysis: Refining the visualization, outputting SVG. Selecting/querying the network, creating sub-networks. Working with output files on your website. Network Analysis Exercise 2
Week 13Class topicsDo before class

M 4-10

Network Analysis: refining visualizations.

Complete take-home Python and Documentation Test (end of the day).

W 4-12

Catch-up / Project Workday

F 4-14

XML that makes graphics: SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). Drawing elements, and screen grid coordinates.

  • Project Milestone (due end of day)
Week 14Class topicsDo before class

M 4-17

Write XQuery to output SVG: Pulling data for visualizing, and plotting graphs using FLWOR statements. Namespace issues. Writing variables for plotting, labelling, scaling, colors. XQuery test due

W 4-19

  • XQuery to SVG Development
  • Launch take-home XQuery test

F 4-21

XQuery to SVG: exploring possibilities with project data
  • SVG Exercise 3
  • Project Milestone due: Visualization and Documentation Development
Week 15Class topicsDo before class

M 4-24

Putting it all together: Discussion, analysis, documentation, web work. Ethics in public-facing digital data representation. Project development sprint, prep for DIGIT Works presentation

W 4-26

Ethical representation: What the data does not say, documenting what's missing. Thinking about user experience, range of audiences. Project development sprint, prep for DIGIT Works presentation

F 4-28

Last Day! Project Milestone: Teams deliver DIGIT Works presentations Prep for presentations
Finals Week: May 1 - 5 To Complete

H 5-05

Semester projects due by 11:59pm

Finish developing projects, and send a post to me on GitHub and Canvas to indicate your team is finished.